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                                       Welcome to West Oxford U3A 

The West Oxford branch of the U3A, (the University of the Third Age), was created in 1995. The U3A exists for a group of people to get together to do things with everyone taking equal responsibility.

We meet on the 2nd and 4th Mondays except for July, August and December.  Our year begins in September and ends in June, with the AGM being held at the second meeting in May.  Once the membership fee is paid there is no further charge, although visitors make a donation.  Membership of West Oxford U3A does not cover membership of Oxford U3A or Headington U3A.


The meetings take place at Dean Court Community Centre, Pinnocks Way, Botley.   The proceedings start at 2.15 pm and (fairly short) notices are given before or after a talk as set out on your programme.  Tea and biscuits are always served after the talk. Please stay and use this time to get to know new people and meet friends.


What’s happening?  Recent & Upcoming events.


Our next meeting is on Monday 14th October, when Dr James Taylor will tell us about Grace Darling and the Fine Art of Saving Lives at Sea.




The presentation has been created to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI).



West Oxford u3a took part in Oxford’s Older People’s Day 2024 which was held on 1st October in the Town Hall.  It was a great event, with a huge number of organisations – public and private – presenting their services. We shared a table with the Oxford and Headington u3a branches, and had a nice time chatting to potential new members and future speakers.









Twenty-one members of the Churches & Pubs Group visited the Church of St Kenelm in Minster Lovell on 4th October.  Graham Kew, who has lived in Minster Lovell since the age of six, spoke to us about the Church, the Village, and his own experience of residing there. We learnt about the Lovel Family, in particular William, the seventh Baron Lovel, whose tomb is in the transept, and his Grandson Francis who fought on the side of Richard III and, probably, came to a sticky end.

The Church, which dates from the 15th Century, has only one tiny stained glass window, the rest  probably having been destroyed during times of  trouble.




                          Some of the visitors in the chancel of the beautiful St Kenelm at  Minster Lovell


The next visit will be on 1st November, to St Mary Magdalen, Woodstock, with lunch at The Turnpike in Yarnton.


Contact Person: Lis Froggatt – l.froggatt66@gmail.com



The Lunch Group started the new season with lunch at The Fishes in North Hinksey Village. The next outing, on Thursday 10th October, will be to The Windrush in Witney.
Contact Person: Beverley Birmingham – beverleyu3a@gmail.com 



The Gardening Group held a garden party to celebrate having completed 50 ‘group events’ (visits, outings etc) since it started in 2016.


Contact Person: Mary Gregory – mary@nandmg.me.uk


A list of the Special Interest Groups (SIGs) is on your programme and they are open to anyone who would like to join.  Just contact the person referred to as arranging the meetings.  If there is a group you would like to start then, if you think the Committee can give you some help, please ask. For information about each SIG, please see the Groups section.




The membership fee entitles you to the West Oxford U3A Newsletter which is sent out three times per year, by email or (for those without an email connection) by post. The Newsletter is also published on this website under the 'News' section. It is full of information about forthcoming events, both those arranged by this branch and also those organised by Thames Valley Network.  Please be certain to look at the notice board at the back of the meeting room for additional details of outings and study days and also on www.u3atvnetwork.org.uk as well as this website.


u3a National 


A membership subscription is paid annually to the National U3A office.

You are entitled to attend the Summer Schools and other events. Details and costs are on the National U3A website.




Do raise any queries when attending the meetings or contact the appropriate person in the 'Contact Us' section.



To join West Oxford U3A or to renew your membership:


The current annual subscription is £20 and subscriptions are due in September each year.

We recommend that you use our online membership facility which can be found in the Membership section.  

However, you may prefer to complete a paper membership application form which can be obtained by email or post or will be available at meetings. If you do not have a form please contact the membership secretary listed in the 'Contact Us' section.


Each year new members are invited to a 'welcome lunch', which gives them a chance to meet each other, the leaders of the Special Interest Groups, and other volunteers.


Gift Aid on Membership Subscriptions

Maximising our net income, for the benefit of members, is a consideration in everything we do.

One way a member can help us achieve this is by Gift Aiding their membership subscription. This enables WOu3a to reclaim the tax portion of the payment (25p for every £1 donated) from HMRC. To be eligible for Gift Aid, the member must:

· be a UK tax payer; and

· have paid an amount of tax (income and/or capital gains) in the current tax year which is not less than the Gift Aid claimed on this and any other such donations.

 The relevant declaration and consent box is included in the online Application Form which can be found in the Membership Section.


To send an email to West Oxford U3A - please select the appropriate contact from the 'Contact Us' section on this website.



More information about how the U3A started, its benefits and services, and other useful links can be found in the 'Links' section on this website.






 Site last updated: 07 Oct 2024


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